Johnny Ago

Meet Johnny. He is currently a sophmore in high school and love sports and listening to music. When he grows up, he wants to produce his own music. When he was very young, his parents took him to a Weird Al Yankovic concert, and it was there where he discovered his life passion. He studies hard for school, plays on a local badminton travel team, and has already produced a couple songs.

Johnny's favorite food is ribeye steak, which he loves ordering at famous steakhouses. His second favorite food is baked potato, which he also orders at steakhouses. Johnny has a little brother, Charles, who is shorter, gets better grades, and is nerdier than him. However, he is also not as popular, and often ends up in trouble at home more.

Johnny is a descendant of the Kropno clan, which gives him his bue skin, squashed face features, and bearlike eyes. But, he is very athletic, with stamina like a horse, and is regarded with prestige wherever he goes. He and his brother are the last remaining descendants of the Kropno clan. Johnny's Kroptnotin name is Erk-Nat-Ago, although his close friends call him ENA.